Here are
the best-way for your dream job after you graduate from college, just follow
this basic do’s and don’ts while you applying you chosen profession of yours.
Do’s: Make your own BEST winning
resumes which include your personal info, educational background and (working)
experience required and academic achievements for fresh grads.
Don’ts: Buying your own bio-data form to
fill-up your personal info without typing these to the computer.
Do’s: Your degree from college fits to
your related careers (e.g. Business, Education, Arts, Sciences, etc.) Research
first your desired position or any vacancies before you apply.
Don’ts: Job mismatch is a big problem
after you pick a WRONG positions such as lower or general works (e.g. Janitors,
Maids, etc.)

Don’ts: Plain shirts, jeans and sneakers
is a BIG no-no’s even too old-fashioned type dress codes while you’re a job
Do’s: Keep calm, and relax! Practice
your dialogues based on your resume while in-front of your interviewer, never
force your smile (too much) and be respect for every question’s ask
Don’ts: Feeling nervous (due to
excitement or not) in front of interviewer is a big no-no because you are NOT
ready from everything. You never feel this than SORRY.
Do’s: Patience is very important for
every applicant hopefuls while waiting for the results whether will be start
now (or I’ll call you back.)
Don’ts: You never bring your attitude problems
when you are not ready (don’t act like a kid due to tantrum issues for example)
Just fix yourself and avoid temper (or else, leave this at home while you on-the-go.)