Saturday, June 09, 2012

Bad (A**) Teacher Renie? (Sequel from "This Educ-preschool classmate who scolded me in front of my group-mates!")

Renie Oldelmo is my F@&$ing inspiration after she find Me a shame because of her super-duper EX-boyfriend (OLOPSCian’s resident womanizer) Carlos Jurao is a silly-piece of Sh*t to me.

When they end of their 4-1/4 year-relationship, She end-up her damning good for her (meanie) career as (bad A**) teacher. I hate her after she block me in my new Facebook account and She never say “sorry” to Me after the incidence. That was a third-party against Me (as a victim of love/hate triangle relationship.)

Gina is no-boyfriend’s allowed under the senior-year study in college, I wish to Him (Carlos) to must-die for his lover’s sin and,….

My tough-five stress-free songs recommend to my article:
  1. "Woki der mit popo (Shake my bottom)" By Trackshitaz (Austia)
  2. "Swagger Jagger" by Cher Lloyd
  3. "Broken Hearted" by Karmin
  4.  "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne (and)
  5. "Whatta you want for me" by Adam Lambert

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