Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Anti - Cyber crime law: Like or Dislike?

As of September 12, President Benigno Aquino III who officially signed as a law against the virtual crime-maker were against the law on making a crime by having a identity theft, bullying, and other online-related violation that too many people shut their f***ing up their entire country. How their affect the social-media users to use carefully those status updates liking-up or re-tweet for if against the law? If a person who violate the law is equally to instant imprisonment between 12 years and 6 month if He offend to another person to find a shame-part in the end.

Anyone who disapproved the law signed by our President? That's why, Facebook™ users who update their profile covers and a pictures into a black image as a protest so which means who cannot update those negative-related scenes turns in loss their jobs, expulsion in school and also, strip-up those achievements in life.

REMEMBER: "Think, before you click!"

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