Thursday, March 06, 2014

The Youngling Diaries: Chapter 2

While waiting to go-home Marquise, her sister Carly who decided to take home her lovely daughter, Chinnie from the orphanage and She requested to Grandmother, Cecilia who take care to Chinnie and the other orphan children when Carly who able to have a work far-away from Chinnie when She’s working in Japan. She missed Chinnie for a while and she wanted to get home for it reunite after two in a half years and she wanted to go away from the orphan house in spite of Cecilia’s step-daughter, Ursula is a well-spoiled person who feel act of jealous to them and she against from favoritism issues to the orphan children and they’ll know it, the villainous one.
Ursula tells why to her step-mother,
  “Mother, why should telling that about it?”
And Cecilia explains to Ursula,
“My dear, a child who needs care from her new parents,
… so that’s why, Chinnie who wanted to get home to her mother and reunite for a years,
… it’s a urgent to call from parents.”
Willing to concern, Ursula understood their situation for a child’s care with an urgent purpose. After a estranged part of life as a complete family, Marquise went home tired after a long ride with Martin’s brother, Brandon from separating a luxury life. And when enter at home, Carly who follow at home together with her daughter, Chinnie and once the saw themselves, they are in state of shock on Marquise sent-home Brandon and once, Marquise explains on their everything,
“Carly, I need a full help for my boss’ brother to hide everything,
… I consider it as a private life of Him,
… and you never read some newspapers or to watch news on TV about my boss’ issue.
And Carly ask her older sister talk about,
“About what…
… Marquise talks about?”
 While Marquise tells the answer,
“My boss, Martin who blaming from everything talk about,
… He’s a scammer who steal customer’s money for nothing,
… but, He’s a victim of the unknown reason,
…against from his ex-girlfriend.”
Then, Carly shock to her sister’s situation,
“Are you insane?
… just for this, nothing more?!”
So, that’s why. Marquise who decided to treat her own way to hands-on babysitter even Carly wontedly to understand her older sister as a additional details for household needs for Carly’s grown-up daughter while Marquise who handle to take care Brandon just like a real son in no time.
Once Chinnie tries to get fool Brandon as a simple joke, they enjoy it-well when Marquise do her best to get happy by having a child’s play scene when two of them like Chinnie and Brandon who acts like a playing a lucky ones.
After a whole day of problematic full house situation, Marquise tell her something more for diary blog and she write on it and tell,…

Double Bracket: 5th day of March, 2014
Dear {web} Diary,

I don’t know what is life for Me? After my boss Martin left his brother for his security and I wanted to be remaining silent for his own situation before He doing his decision about his case issue when he was a victim for nothing.
I do not respect His ex-girlfriend (Kristen) after she find me a shame about, I never flirt Martin for a favoritism but she’s wrong. Even if, I wanted to hit her a** and make a wish after I feel damning-good enough. Also, He blame my boss for a break-up issue when Martin who decided to left Kristen because of her ‘attitude problems’ and she act like ‘freak.’ I’m not happy and she’s NOT so funny, I’m serious!
Am I doing to their issue? I’m not joining this disgusting issue; I’m a simple witness with a voiceless. How about Me? To ruin or too mess my true identity it is?

Nice to freak fully yours,

When she finished her blog article of her life, she accept a phone call from Martin and he asked,
“Hello, Marquise. How’s my brother now?”
And Marquise answer His question,
“Hi, boss. He’s fine and Brandon is sooo fine…
…And He’s tired. But he need some sleep…
…To get some more rest.
…How about you, boss?
And Martin replies,
“Well, as of now, I’m fine.
…don’t ask me when I’m in what place to stay for;
…and, oh yeah. Will you please take-care of my brother in need.
Good night now.”
Sincerely, He ended up a full-phone conversation to Marquise to take a rest first after she prioritize her work even Martin was safely missing that something undesirable but urgently, he’s safe away from the authority as most wanted suspect in syndicated estafa and bigamy against Kristen for unrestful break-ups from controversial relationship.
A few nights later, urgent call from Kristen’s sidekick spy member Fely and Pato was in charge for search and rescue the main suspect of scam, Martin. Both of them they had a weaknesses for other reasons as best of friends turns into a serious lovers in crime. As of their assignment, Pato and Fely needs some time to joke in the middle of hardworking days of being a spy like nerdy-like video bombing scene as a background of a news reporter while capturing the details of a news headlines until they take the part.
After that, Pato and Fely decided to go-back to work before they caught from Kristen to do more nothing but, too continues to search Martin whether be dead or alive just important, needs to explain by betraying of public trust. What happens next for Martin for its behavioral situation? Once Marquise heard the news on their TV about her boss, she turn it off the TV if she do not heard it to Brandon on what happen to his older brother indeed. But instead, she makes sure to be safe from the custody. And Marquise tell Carly and it said,
“Carly, are you still there?
…the TV is open, are you watching yet or its not?
And Carly said while on the kitchen,
“No, I just heard it,
… but I forgot to switch-off.”
She understood that make sure on it. Once, she heard Aria and Arra’s discussion on getting how makes things gone wrong and Marquise notice,
“Girls, what are talking about?
…is that boys?
And Aria explains to Marquise,
“Look at this, Marquise. Arra’s turn on why she don’t like my own do un familiar.
…I do not understand Aria what she gets.”
Marquise feels unconditional after she saw her cousin girls do rival issues about their crushes to their boyfriends? Or something wrong for its unknown? She knows their reason on how sacrificing those guardian life not too much insane but to too very challenging which includes Brandon’s security for itself. 


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