Saturday, March 08, 2014

The Youngling Diaries: Chapter 4

It’s a major problem! The next day after, Carly complaints to Marquise about their tenant’s costumes those waste their time and budget management due to their mistaken decision against their tenant roommates. Carly madly explain,
“Sis, look at THIS!
…The fake pregnant costume, the mustache, etc.
…I think just deceive us,…
…from freaky everything!”
And Marquise failed to accept those things against their tenant and reacts,
“Oh, no-NO!
…I’m wanna fool for it!
…I just… but, they fool Me!
When the disaster comes, Carly finds Chinnie on where she going and she went to the tenant’s when Chinnie’s there and she forgot to knock the door and she enter it and bring home Chinnie after making a hilarious activity. And she advised her on do not went too far away at home.
Kristen make a set of meet-up to rumored brother-in-law, Brandon together with her set-up bodyguard, and also planned for by Pato and Fely; Fely was fisrt enter to went Kristen in the same place like simple-open air canteen. Fely who costumed as a guardian of  Brandon for giving a deal to surrender him to Kristen, and Kristen ask,
“Where’s Brandon?”
 And Fely replies,
“Yes, I bring Him for surrender…
… and look, oh my gosh! He’s here!
…He’s returning home to you, Madam!”
And now, He entered Brandon (nope! I mean disguised by Pato as Martin’s long-lost brother) and actually wave his hand smiley while he entered to Kristen to give some a little kisses and simple hug but unfortunately, Kristen was feel disappointed and she accidently slap Pato’s face for two times while Fely who need able to go but Kristen hits her hair and twisted Fely’s head painful and she madly said in front of Pato and Fely,
While that, Pato and Fely failed to a set-up for meeting with Kristen and Kristen gets mad to them. She destroy some dining furnitures and she smashed a table to Pato and Fely as a shameful performance; both of the best-of-friends was in shame but embarrassing while Kristen walks-out to the canteen after she feel angry and she left damage and destroyed tables and chairs but unlucky, Pato and Fely were able to paying a total damage to the owner of the canteen cost over about P30,000 and to fix their mess from Kristen.
A day of the trouble! When Marquise was busy inside of her house, she tell it to her cousins Aria and Arra to took-advantage to monitor Chinnie and Brandon to a group of playing basketball 3-on-3 mix; after the game, the result was cooked against to the ‘mean’ team and turns into a little brawl while Aria and Arra were busy for mobile online for cutie date instead of restraining the child’s play fight. Once heard Marquise, she caught her twin cousin on why did not stopping their kids’ brawl after the game and She mad to tell it,
Marquise who decided to stop the fight but suddenly, a mother of one of a kid who complaint to Marquise on what happening to her son and when it comes a fighting confrontation due to their kids’ brawl after playing basketball. Finally, Carly is to the rescue to her sister after her come-home early to hurry-up from a not-so school reunion. One night, Carly wants to explain her full story about the get-together party, but she tells a lie to Marquise on she not went there but, in the music gig a few days after. Marquise gets madly to scolt Carly after she tell a lie unsafely and summon to her sister,
“Last time, you go to the reunion…
…then, where are you going when you tell me a lie?”
And Carly mercify to explain,
“Last time, I went to the reunion…
…but it’s cancelled, while my friends who invite me…
…to the concert gigs instead of it.”
And Marquise still snort her sister,
While Carly shuted to Marquise,
After scolting, Carly walks-out and went to her room for passing-up her pressure from Marquise, and Marquise needs to be calm down after scolting her sister. The next day after, she decided to bring-back Chinnie to the orphan house and also together with Brandon. When they went to the orphan house were Chinnie and Brandon bring-back them, that was Ursula is now the owner of the orphan house and too strict and Marquise left now to the orphan after leaving with them.
When Chinnie and Brandon living now in the orphanage, Ursula had a plan for her children including them instead of making a household shore activity, she teach her abandoned children on how to become a street kid-turn-snatcher in the busy street or sidewalk to victimized young to mid-young adults to stealing bags, wallets, etc.
The day before the incident of their kids, Marquise want to spent-time to visit her parent’s tomb inside the cemetery, she concealed herself by its own mistake after get madly and too scolting Carly while she praying and too sincere, suddenly Kristen sent attack to her mistankenly rival Marquise as her sweet revenge even Marquise was a victim of act-of-jealous for nothing without any unconfirmed reason or proof of evidence. Marquise tells something and she justify,
“You know, I’m NOT belong to your issue…
…against your ex-boyfriend,
…you’re choosy one,
…and your big-butt problem.
It’s NOT my problem,
…I think it’s yours, right?”
And Kristen diclaimed,
“What’s wrong with you, uttery supplant?
…Don’t tell me what you talk about…
And Marquise added,
“Why are telling me about? He do not like you,
…you act like freak…because of your behavioral problem,
…please, let explain to me,..
…I love you!”
After a long conversation turns into confrontation, Marquise and Kristen had a suddenly tweak into a cat-fighting in front of Marquise’s parents tomb before gets worst their fight, Carly who wanted to stop fighting then looks like not ashamed to their parents; Kristen lefts slowly after she fight-off Marquise and Marquise did not thankful to her sister after she help her. Before they proceed their sincerity, they off-the-road now both of them. Marquise who focus her plan to go travel abroad before she left without any communication to Carly while Carly needs to go back to school when she missed a two-years in college and Chinnie and Brandon they decided to flee from violent co-incidents from making a street crime.
One day, she feels in danger to her babysitter and Carly’s daughter when they went to the orphan house, they escape to fleed from the hands of Ursula who is also, a promoter and mastermind of making her orphan kids’s street crime and she arrested by the police for her case of juvenile justice for the minors. Carly said to Marquise,
“Look, their missing, where they now, Marquise?”
Marquise and Carly were started the whole day of search and rescue to their kids before the sunset. While searching, they repend each-other until a simple accident by unsuccessfully hit by a running car to survived Calry and she thankful to Marquise and she concealed,
“I’m so sorry Marquise, I get mad of you…
And Marquise apologize,
“I’m sorry, too…
…your apology is now, I accept.
…We never stop to find Chinnie and Brandon…
…before my boss went mad to Me, on what happen to my babysitter.”
When the sisters came down and they sincere, they never stop to search and until they rescued them to Chinnie and Brandon rushly complete. Meanwhile, Brandon know his home when he get home together with Chinnie to spend their night of his returning home to his brother’s house after they’re escape from Ursula’s hands of restriction; both of them, go-home tired, dirty and sleepless so they need some rest and take a sleep for one night, what happens next to them, they caught to reach by Kristen by it’s her dark plan?
Double Bracket: 8th day of March, 2014

Dear {Web}Diary

I was offend, super-duper offend Me. One time I consider my failure, I never avoid myself by scolting my sister, Carly after she tells me a lie to went to the school reunion but instead, she went to the concert gig with Her girlfriends while my kids go-back to the orphan but unfortunately, they missing but, too escape from bad influence from Ursula after the real owned died due to natural old-age to take care of it. And I distrust to understand Kristen after she brawled me in-front of my parent’s grave, she’s such a insane as mistakenly, Martin’s other woman (ugh!) She’s fool! What happens next to them or everything gone bad by Kristen’s “bad behavior.” (SHUT UP, KRISTEN!)
Freakfully Yours,
 Marquise tells her story from a quarrel from Kristen, she having a offend or dissatisfaction to her sister, Carly, up to being missing to their kids to need some comfort and caring as a stage parent to them and she tells,

Marquise had a plan to search-and-rescue to Brandon and Chinnie before her boss Martin return to home for uniquely safety for just one-day.


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