Friday, March 07, 2014

The Youngling Diaries: Chapter 3

It was the day of going out and off the household shore. Before that, Pato and Fely went to the Marquise’s home just they stand by along the Aunt Mila’s store were in front of them and were make sure on how Brandon’s here living with other guardian and that is Marquise. Once, the partner-in-crime friend well notice and ask some question to aunt Mila on who’s the owner of the house and where they observe that where’s Martin’s brother and they don’t know, as a substitute Kristen’s boyfriend after a beautiful mistake and that was, a mistaken identity for blaming stealing a boyfriend.
Once, Fely ask some weird question to Pato,
“Is that something weird,
…that Brandon who disguise as Kristen’s boyfriend?”
Pato replies,
“What do you mean?
… a simple things gone confussed
…And let say confussed…
…I heard some story about Martin who caught in the men’s room to bringing other girl-gone-flirt
…and He’s not Martin, its Brandon.
…that’s why, a furious Kristen tries to confront Martin for it.”
And Fely shock from Pato’s explaination,
“Wait, if is not Martin, who’s the promoter of the third party?
…I heard Martin on it on why Kristen blaming a co-worker,
… and she don’t know, she’ victim of mysterious love triangle without any evidence
…so Kristen had a wrong judgment to Marquise.”
Whether they know Marquise was referred, Pato and Fely was remaining stand by if one of the member of Marquise’s home, they need to observe Martin if they living or not. While this, Chinnie and Brandon take some time to play-like and to bond each other as true-best of friends after a previous misunderstanding introduction of bringing Him to Marquise’s home, while playing hide and seek, once they saw Pato and Fely hidden while waiting something to observe. Because of its, Brandon takes time to hit both of them Kristen’s spy using rubber slingshot with foldable paper in their face of Pato and Fely while taking a nap sitting in aunt Mila’s store. But Pato did never avoid disturbing it while napping and Fely also disturbing a beautifully rest into a pretty mess.
Carly who orderly call Chinnie and Brandon for taking some time to fix themselves to clean-up after palying outside the neighbor and she wanted to take-charge for babysitting for them just like her children. Carly wants to take a bath their kids in a simple way when Chinnie who never regret for a one scoop of  water while Brandon is not and Chinnie explains,
“Watch me, how to take a bath with one scoop of water…
Instead of one tab of water.”
And Brandon justifies,
“No, I need more water in Me.”
Once He notice, Chinnie who teach Brandon on how to take a bath using one scoop of water and a bath soap from a little wet and too foamy and that’s all, just add a pour of water to take a bath in a simple life way.
One time, Martin who decided to call Marquise via mobile phone while he’s in unknown location to hide for, and he worried to his brother and He asked to Marquise,
“Hello, Marquise. How’s my brother now?
…if he’s okay?
…I know we’re safe from everything never go wrong.
And Marquise reply to her boss,
“Boss, I think were okay…
… I just follow your guidelines about your security…
…and your brother, also. It’s far away from danger
…and also, the security that I do not tell or to share a report
…to the authority.
…I do not be vulgar to other for the information.”
He make sure for it for His security and Marquise will never fail to her plan for sake of his own boss; once she remember her bittersweet incident after she blaming from Kristen’s jealous and she don’t know her situation because of the problematic issues whether be love-hate relationships or even psychologically problem against Kristen and she complaints on she never received some simple apologies from Kristen and she understandly, it’s that Kristen’s problem, not for Marquise.
A few days after, Pato and Fely failed to be able to trace the Santiago brothers from Marquise’s house to get some investigation is a additional failure to a Kristen’s plan to blotter them. Unfortunately, they went home restless, hungrer (due to their waiting situation) and suddenly, they experiencing sleepless when they starting to stand by to the store’s bench without any scarves or blankets to protect the coldness outside with a sounds like beautiful beggar in no time. When came back to their conniving boss Kristen, she freakly scolting Pato and Fely when she ask to them,
“What are you doing to your job?!
…Is that a hole in your head, are you? Both of you?
And Pato fears to answer his explination,
“Madam, Fely and I can do it their job…
…I don’t know, it’s restless
…for nothing less.”
And Fely adds-on for Pato,
“It’s a long story…
…we don’t have a desired choice,
…but important… is to find Brandon.”
Kristen did not have to change her mind after a few temper since she ordered to Pato and Fely to get some information about the Santiago brothers instead, she tried to make searching to both of these spy friend a shame by not treated them a snack that suppose to be a reward for them after a failed performance. In a addition from Kristen, she gave some task to Pato to bring Bandon as a alternative boyfriend when she like Him or not but important, is to bring him among her duties.
Before her plan to went in the market tomorrow, Marquise who make a plan for a household schedule for her sister, Carly and her babysitter, Brandon. Once she wrote on her diary blog when she said…

Double Bracket: 6th day of March, 2014

Dear {Web} Diary,

OMG! It’s a second of my Boss’ borderless vacation away from the issues who against Him. I’ll make sure that his brother, Brandon was far, far away from the safety according to the law (what is law all about?) Nah! I love my job as I am but I’m in home base away from everything but we never be violent reason.
It’s a deal, I able to help my beloved little sister and her teen daughter if either for home; it’s hardworking but I’m happy for my duties. As of now, where’s Martin? I do not answer it for a meantime but the important thing, we are be secure for my home together with my sister and cousins just like I’m the father or mother of the house in order to my peaceful needs and keep calm.
Before I end of my story today, my sister Carly who consult me to have a vacant room rentals as a little sideline when it unused a single room as stock room area and she decided to open-up and clean-up those mess before using it as a room rental fit for a princess.

Freakfully yours,
Before end of the day, Marquise was decided to go to the market together with her sister, Carly and also Brandon and Chinnie for a whole-day shopping in the wet and dry market. But one time, Chinnie had a major disaster to Brandon like playing hide and seek when Marquise and Carly busy to buy some stuff at the marker until Chinnie find a shame to Brandon on putting a small-sized live crab at the back and He until screaming. Marquise rescue him for a co-incident and turns into a messy Brandon from the market. Once, Martin reacts to Marquise on what happen to his brother and He freakly reacts,
…MAKING A MESSY?”          
While Marquise explain,
“…Is a accident.
… when I go to the market with my sister…
…they’re go play…
For nothing.”
And Martin guided to Marquise,
“…Why not to bring him,
…to his favorite Japanese or Chinese restaurant?”
After that, Marquise learns a mistake for its co-incidents. And she decided to bring Brandon to the Japanese restaurant using her money from Martin together with her sister and Chinnie. And she notice, Chinnie was in state of (culture) shock after she accidently eat some leaf-shape wasabi and she didn’t know is a used for sushi dippings.
One night, Carly takes a plan to went in her high school friends for a reunion and she consult her older sister, Marquise before she decide to willing her things as she go,
“Marquise, I went to my friends to attend the get-together party…
…exclusive for the high school reunion,
…will you please, can I go for it?
And Marquise approve her sister’s plan,
“Yes, I will,
…I will make sure to your going-out with your friends instead,
… and I remember, you’ll be safe for your destination,
…without any lying instead.”
When Carly’s decision its final, Marquise proved her sister’s outing that she make sure to do not make some lie from it. The next day, she receives a pair of visitor who find them for a room rental. And she finalized her deal to get the occupy room into a roommate neighbor; but she they don’t know, a pair of couple as a family starter that was disguised by Pato and Fely as a Mr. Professor and Mrs. Pregnant lady which means to find a long-lost brother of Martin. What happens next for them? For a Damn-good thing or a major disaster?

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